Thursday, May 28, 2009

May Moments

Pushing her baby stroller. For some reason she thinks it's funny to
throw the baby out and then put her back in!
Papa, Nana, G Daddy and MeMomma on Memorial Day.

Check out that belly!
Soaking wet from the water fountain at Lowe's!

She loves playing in water! No matter where she is!

Annie enjoying her first Oreo!
Needless to say, she loved it!

Filling it up!

"bye bye"

Annie and Mitch starting up the tractor.
She wasn't scared of the loud noise at all!

She loved riding the four wheeler with G Daddy!

So excited to see Daddy pull in the driveway!
I love those blue eyes!

Loving bath time!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Her New Obsession

I think Mitch's shoes are bigger than her body!
Mine are a little closer to her size!

This is what Annie has been up to lately! She LOVES to put on any shoes she finds lying around. It is hilarious to watch! She is getting so good at putting them on and has been trying to walk in them! She is definitely a girl!

Friday, May 1, 2009


Annie saying "cheese" in her new sunglasses!
She loves her new chair! She is so big now!

She loved splashing around outside with Daddy!

"Duckie, duckie"! She cannot be trusted to throw the bread.
She wants to eat it herself!

My little musician! Yet another trait she gets from Mitch!