Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Things Annie Says

Annie has been saying some cute things lately and I have to write them down before I forget.

The other day she picked up a Fancy Nancy book and said "This is my favorite book, Fancy Fancy!". So cute! Then, she began to read it and said "Once uponce a time".

Yesterday she came home from school and Mitch asked her what she did at school she said, "I pway superheros". We thought this was funny because we have never even talked about superheros. Then he said "What superhero were you?" she replied "BATMAN!". Later when I asked her how she learned about Batman she said "Ben!" with a big smile on her face! We haven't heard her talk about Ben as much this year but apparently the spark is still there!

Before bed last night she leaned toward me with her hand cupped to her mouth and said "Can I tell you a secret?". I said sure and she leaned in and said "Mrs. Heidi (her teacher) said warm it up ships!". I had no clue what she was talking about. When went upstairs and I had her tell Mitch and he could not figure it out either! She probably said it twenty times and we guessed every imaginable thing we thought it could be but, she kept saying "No, warm it up ships!". Finally, we gave up and I went to put her to bed. I asked one more time and said "what were you doing when she said that?". Annie replied "Shakin' my booty!"! Then I said "did she say 'warm up those hips?". She said "Yes, warm up those hips!". :)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Flu

My sweet little Annie girl has the flu! Yes, I am that Mom that cancelled her flu shot appointment and completely forgot to reschedule and now my child has the flu! On the up side, Annie has been in the best mood! Besides her cough, which is getting much better, you wouldn't even know she is sick! She is a trooper! Mitch and I actually joked last night about keeping her on Tamiflu on a regular basis! ;) We have watched the Polar Express 2 1/2 times this weekend and I think tonight we are going to ride in the car to look at the lights on 109 in Lebanon. We are trying to stay in and away from others so we don't infect them. We are making the best of this situation and still having a great weekend!