Sunday, May 2, 2010

Pigtails and a big girl bed!

I feel like every time I post something I am always talking about a milestone or some new "big girl" accomplishment that Annie has achieved. Every day she becomes more of a kid and less of a little girl! :( Don't get me wrong, not that I don't want her to grow up but, just not so fast! Some things about her growing up are nice. She is very independent and can help herself and us a lot of times too (which is nice!). I also love how she learns something new every day! She can literally learn a brand new song in a day! It's amazing! Well, now that you listened to me talk about how smart, wonderful, cute, etc....she is, here are some pictures of her newest "big girl" accomplishment. (not the pigtails, I just love her hair in them and it is finally long enough again!)

I'm pretty sure I would still think she was the
cutest even if she wasn't mine!

Annie's 1st night in her big bed! Goodbye toddler bed, hello queen size!
Look at all that room to stretch out!

She loves the bed! Now, if we could just get her to LOVE the potty!
Prayers please!