Thursday, July 24, 2008

She's already using up all the minutes!

Annie's favorite toys are our cell phones or the remote. She also tries to grab at the laptop if she is sitting with me while I am the computer. She apparently loves electronics! We found an old remote that we don't use anymore and gave it to her so she could play with it and not ruin ours with all of her drool!
The funny thing about Annie and the phone is that she will be babbling up a storm and when Mitch or I hold the phone to her ear to let her hear someone's voice she goes completely silent, stares, and tries to grab it out of our hands! Almost immediately after the phone is out of sight she becomes the largest chatter box again!

Annie and I played peek-a-boo yesterday afternoon. We normally just hide our faces with our hands but instead I pulled the blanket down over her face and lifted it up. The first couple of times she looked frightened and then she started to giggle!

Annie was listening to Mitch read a book the other night on the bed. We read most books aloud these days, whether or not they are children's books, because they say it's good for babies to hear a variety words. Annie should know all about What To Expect the First Year and Rich Dad Poor Dad!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Annie's 1st Camping Trip!

All of us before we started out on our hike.
Annie looks so thrilled!
Mitch and Annie climbing down the rock wall with only
a cable wire to hold onto for safety. It was a little scary!

Annie's favorite part of the trip! Relaxing on our air matress in the tent after an exhausting day!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

More Annie Photos

Mitch put this bandana on Annie the other day and it just looked so cute! She looks like she is ready to ride a Harley!
What an adorable little smile! :)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hiking Trip!

On Saturday we went on a day hike with our friends, Trent and Jennifer, and their little boys Will and Wyatt, to Fall Creek Falls. The falls were so beautiful and we had a great time. Once again, Annie was strapped to Mitch's belly and I carried the backpack and cooler on my back. After stopping at every scenic overlook (because we were very optimistic at the beginning!) we made it to the bottom of the largest fall. We all took turns jumping in the rather chilly water! Except for the babies, only their little feet got wet. Needless to say, we were absolutely exhausted when we arrived back home Saturday night. Our next adventure is a weekend camping trip, we will let you know how that goes! Don't worry, Annie was not strapped to Mitch in the picture where he is scaling the rock wall!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Cutest Tee!

I found this shirt at Target and had to get it because it was adorable and so fitting of Mitch. He thought it was really cool when he saw it too! It says "Daddy Rocks and sings to me" and it has a hot pink guitar! How cute! The picture is a little fuzzy because someone is a little bit of wiggle worm! She is all over the place these days. She is definitely keeping us on our toes! She is sitting up but only in the tripod position right now. She loves to stand when you hold onto her fingers and tap her left foot! It's really funny! She is also working on the army crawl. She can't be left alone in the middle of the bed with pillows around her anymore because who knows where she might go! We seriously need to baby proof our house!

A few of Annie's favorite things!

Besides loving Mommy and Daddy Annie really loves her food. She is now eating just about every baby food that Gerber makes and she is not very picky, which is great! She also adores her bottle! If she sees you walk into the room with it she wants it ASAP or she is not a happy camper! After she finishes the bottle she gazes at it the entire time she is trying to burp. If she could move things with her mind that bottle would be back in her hands in a second! It is actually quite funny to watch!
Her newest love is these little sweet potato puffs. She is still learning how to get them from her hand to her mouth. They pretty much dissolve instantly and since she drools like crazy they end up stuck to her hand instead making it into her mouth! She is getting better at it each and every day though! We have also tried the sippy cup with some water. She can hold it up to her mouth to drink but would prefer you to do it for her! She enjoys relaxing and letting you do all the work!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

American Sweetie!

Happy 4th of July! We hope everyone has a safe and wonderful holiday!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Six Month Old Baby Girl!

Where has the time gone? Annie is six months old, can you believe it? We went this morning for her well check with Dr. Johnson. He said everything looks wonderful, which is always great news! She now weighs 15lbs. 13 oz.! She is definitely a good eater, there's no doubt about it! Check out the rolls on these thighs if you need proof!
Annie and I did a photo shoot Monday and these are some pictures I took. She actually had fun and several outfits later we had some good pictures! Towards the end she was pretty much done as you will see in the picture with the white dress with polka dots! Mitch thinks I'm a little camera crazy but I have to capture every moment!
Annie's latest thing is to blow kisses. It is so adorable! I'm trying to capture it on video and I will put it on here. Have a great day!