Monday, February 21, 2011

She Works Hard for the Money

Last year Mitch and I opened Annie's college savings account. Annie has been saving some of her own money to put into her account for "when I go to college" she says. She loves when we go to the bank because our friendly drive-thru teller, Jessica, always gives her 2 suckers! And although Annie doesn't like suckers for more than 10 seconds she still gets SO excited every time! She and Jessica are best buds! Annie was really excited last week when we counted up some of her money to take to the bank! We counted $50 worth of quarters and some dollars that she has either earned or were given to her by grandparents. She held her head high and was so proud of herself as she carried her bag of money into the bank! Jessica was almost as excited as Annie to see her inside the bank! Here is my proud girl with her loot!