Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Mitch!

Today is Mitch's 27th birthday! He is getting old right?! Well, I shouldn't say that because I am 2 months older than him and that would make me old and I'm definitely not! Anyway, that is all for today; just wanted to say Happy Birthday!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Just For Daddy!

This Cardinal's outfit is probably Mitch's favorite thing Annie wears. (she doesn't have a UK outfit yet but, that will take the #1 spot when she does!) I call it her tomboy outfit but at least she has a red bow to make it a little girly!

Have a great day Mitch!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Growing up too fast!

Annie is getting so big and with every day that passes it seems like she is doing something new. She is sitting up like a big girl and loves watching her Baby Einstein and Brainy Baby DVD's. These are very helpful while I am trying to cook dinner! As you can see she gets really focused on them.

She loves to hold our hands and stand up. When you try to sit her down on the floor she arches her back and straightens her legs so that she can stand instead of sit! It takes several attempts to successfully sit her down. When we went to pick her up at the nursery on Sunday her teacher, Mrs. Denise, said "She really wants to stand!". Poor Mrs. Denise she probably got stuck holding Annie in the standing position the entire time she was in there!!

Last week we did a total makeover upstairs. We switched Annie's room and the office/spare bedroom in order to give Annie a bigger room. We went to Lowe's and bought what we thought was a light cream color paint for Annie's room. We planned on using pink and green as accent colors. We primered the walls and he next day I began painting. I began to realize that the "cream" was lacking a little cream color and was pretty much white. I finished painting because I thought it might just be my eyes but then I realized that I spent an entire day painting Annie's room WHITE! We added pink and green to try and brighten it up. I think it will be cute when all the decorating is finished! I'll post pictures later.

Friday, August 8, 2008

The little artist!

Annie and I tried to do an "art project" the other day. I had to sit her in the Bumbo because I didn't want paint all over the living room floor! I can just picture her scooting her little bottom all over the rug with pink and green feet! When I first painted her feet she grinned because I think it tickled! She tried grabbing at the paintbrush the entire time! And then after the novelty wore off, she grabbed and ripped the newspaper that I had put underneath her! I think she enjoyed it much more than the paint! The footprints that I made did not turn out so well. At school they made the perfect little hand prints and footprints, I don't know how in the world they did it. They must have tried it while she was napping! Or maybe they are just really good!