Sunday, January 13, 2008

The First 2 weeks home

Okay, this is my 1st attempt at one of these "blog" things on this new "Internet" thing so I hope it is still around for a few years.

Blair and I just recently got back home w/ Annie and everything is so good. She never cries, she always goes to bed when we do, she is sleeping through the night already, and who says potty training is hard, shes already house broken. As for Annie that is a different subject.

Everything is going great. Parenthood is very cool. It is weird that in 14 days I have connected with Annie to the point that I would do anything for her. There is no feeling quite the same.

Today I had to clip her fingernails, which is an accomplishment in and of itself and tonight we get to give her a bath to try to get a bow that is cemented in her hair out. I will let you know how that goes.

Here are a few photos of the new addition.

Hope all is well.


Annie - 1-9-08

After my 1st bath

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