Sunday, December 21, 2008

11 months and counting!

We can't believe that Christmas is almost here and Annie will be a year old in a week and a half! Where does all the time go? It seems like every time we turn around she is doing something new!

She loves to chase Mitch and I around the house! She is such a fast crawler we don't know if she will every want to walk! She giggles and laughs the whole time! She also loves it when we chase her. She turns her head to make sure we are still coming and then cracks up as she heads to another room! Annie also thinks our dog Biscuit likes to play chase. Unfourtunately for Biscuit she doesn't! Annie crawls towards Biscuit's bed and Biscuit gets up off of it to go to another room. When she walks by Annie, Annie thinks Biscuit is chasing her and she laughs and turns to go to another room too. Then, poor Biscuit turns back around to go to her bed and the cycle continues! It is really funny to watch because Annie has no idea that the dog is trying to get away from her!

All Annie wants for Christmas is her two front teeth to come all the way in! They are there, you can see them but, they are still tiny! We can't wait to see what she will look like with top teeth! We have gotten so used to just the bottom two!

We are looking forward to spending Christmas with our sweet little girl this year! We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!

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