Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Annie and her buddy Wyatt splashin' around!

Reading her favorite book Llama Llama Red Pajama.

Leaving Annie and Biscuit alone for playtime in Annie's room.
Biscuit is saying "Please don't leave me in here with her!"

Being tickled by Mommy!
The after!

It taste yummy!
The before picture of finger painting. Annie's new favorite-corn on the cob!
She takes a pretty big dent out of it too!

Yesterday Annie and I were in the car driving home from the grocery store and we were singing the alphabet. I could hear her singing but, I wasn't really paying attention. When we started singing it again, I heard her say "E,F,G"!! It was the cutest thing ever! She knows "E,F,G" and "Q,R,S"! Only 20 letters to go! Today we worked on A,B,C,and D! She is trying her hardest to say anything you ask her these days! Her new phrase is "Hi chica!". Not completely sure where she got that one but still pretty funny!

In other exciting news, Annie has started using the potty some! Last weekend she went a couple of times and she has went a few more times this week! She starts dancing on her potty when it plays a song. We are still very far from being "potty trained" but, you have to start somewhere!

Here are some pictures of the cutest little girl for your viewing pleasure!


Valerie Enoch said...

We loved the Llama Llama books too. Have you read Llama Llama Mad at Mama?

Mitchell, Blair, and Annie said...

We saw it one day at Barnes and Noble but we haven't bought it yet. It was cute!