Friday, July 11, 2008

A few of Annie's favorite things!

Besides loving Mommy and Daddy Annie really loves her food. She is now eating just about every baby food that Gerber makes and she is not very picky, which is great! She also adores her bottle! If she sees you walk into the room with it she wants it ASAP or she is not a happy camper! After she finishes the bottle she gazes at it the entire time she is trying to burp. If she could move things with her mind that bottle would be back in her hands in a second! It is actually quite funny to watch!
Her newest love is these little sweet potato puffs. She is still learning how to get them from her hand to her mouth. They pretty much dissolve instantly and since she drools like crazy they end up stuck to her hand instead making it into her mouth! She is getting better at it each and every day though! We have also tried the sippy cup with some water. She can hold it up to her mouth to drink but would prefer you to do it for her! She enjoys relaxing and letting you do all the work!!

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