Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Six Month Old Baby Girl!

Where has the time gone? Annie is six months old, can you believe it? We went this morning for her well check with Dr. Johnson. He said everything looks wonderful, which is always great news! She now weighs 15lbs. 13 oz.! She is definitely a good eater, there's no doubt about it! Check out the rolls on these thighs if you need proof!
Annie and I did a photo shoot Monday and these are some pictures I took. She actually had fun and several outfits later we had some good pictures! Towards the end she was pretty much done as you will see in the picture with the white dress with polka dots! Mitch thinks I'm a little camera crazy but I have to capture every moment!
Annie's latest thing is to blow kisses. It is so adorable! I'm trying to capture it on video and I will put it on here. Have a great day!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Yay for videos!! I can't wait to see her blow me a kiss!